Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is he doing?

This is posted on Kenny's blog but for those of you who don't look at it then you can see what I got on my phone the other day. I was making dinner and I got a message telling me I have new picture mail. I opened it because I googled the area code and knew it was from someone in Kenny's mission. This is what I saw along with a message "your son's 6 month mark burning his tie", what a nut!!! He told me he wasn't really burning it while it was on his neck, that was only for the picture.


Kathy's Boys said...

Wow, 6 months all ready!! I know, it feels longer to the mom especially. I used to hate that when people said it was going by so fast. It is until it's your own son. Landry is getting ready to work on his papers. He will probably be going in Dec. or Jan. Hope you had fun on your latest Motorcycle trip,. I love hearing from you. We do need to get together sometime soon. Maybe we can come up the end of August when Cory
goes back up to BYU. We would love to go to a football gamel We'll let you know if we are coming up that way.