Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Birthday Presents!

Yes I know it is hard to believe, I am officially 46. Now please hold your comments on how you can't believe I am that old to yourself, I don't want to offend any others who might be close to my age and not look nearly as good as I! Blah, Blah, Blah..........anyone who reads this totally knows I am kidding and you all know how I feel about the way I look. You can only do so much with what you got.............:) Vicki, Justin and the kids made me my apron with the kids hand prints on them, the flag is from Sis and Phil. I will fly it on the 16th of every month for sure. I am going to keep it up for a bit because I like it, it makes me smile. Can you guess what state it is for???????


A Blogging Babcock said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best looking 46 year old I know!

Julie H. said...

Happy Birthday, Debbie! I wish I was better at remembering things like this. Sorry! But you look pretty dang worries in that department. :) Hope it was a good one!

The Key's said...


Kathy's Boys said...

Happy Birthday. So now I realize that the Harley thing IS a mid life crisis!! jk You look mauvelous!!
We are coming to Salt Lake in October for a wedding. I'll let you know when, and maybe we can meet up for dinner. It will be a quick trip, but we are going to a wedding of someone Brad baptized. Glen was 12 when he and his family all joined the church and now he is getting married in the Salt Lake Temple to a girl he met on his mission. How cool is that! I love everything about missions, except missing our sons, but it is worth it hugh!! Sounds like Kenny is doing great. Love ya

Marcy said...

You look awsome for your age. What's your secret? Besides staying tan. Happy Birthday! I love homemade presents they always mean so much more than something store bought, especially when it's from your grandkids.