Monday, December 1, 2008

Ken likes to break ribs!

Here we go again!

Saturday night Ken was replacing the U joints on the truck and he clearly was not thinking and he did not use the emergency brake. After he took out the last bolt the truck started to roll backwards. (We moved and our new driveway is a bit steep.) He was not able to get out from under it and something grabbed his sweatshirt and twisted him up underneath the truck. Phil was out there with him but was able to get out in time. Thank goodness Phil was there with him and he was not alone. Against his wishes I called 911 so an ambulance could bring him to the hospital. I realize head wounds bleed and scare people but I also knew he was hurt in other places because he was unable to breathe without pain. Remember he broke his back and ribs in May so I am getting pretty good with all of this stuff..............:) We were informed in the Emergency room that he would receive 4 stitches in his finger on his left hand, 10 staples in his head,(which apparently is equivalent to 30 stitches) and a nice couple of days in the hospital. The punctured lung and 5 broken ribs (the opposite side of the broken ribs from the motorcycle accident)are the reason for the hospital stay. We are hoping he can come home today. More then likely tomorrow though.

So there you have it, I know, I know, there were many other things that could have happened, however, they did not. For that we are most grateful and are extremely happy that these injuries are not life threatening.

Just one of his MANY bruises

His shiny new staples


Anonymous said...

what a BUMMER!!!! Glad that it all worked out ok :)

Julie H. said...

Glad to hear he's doing better. Now did you say the picture was of his silver staples or his silver hair??? hahaha...JK Ken!

Devin, April, Gavin and Drew said...

Poor guy! I hopw you're felling better! Good thing you have such a wonderful wife to take good care of you!